Workshops that come to you!

Can't make it to the Novium Museum? We can pack up the museum van and bring all the resources to you. Our outreach workshops include artefacts and hands-on activities and are led by a member of the museum team. Our workshops have a suggested Key Stage but can be adapted for other ages if requested.
A session (usually 90 minutes) costs £165 plus travel expenses.
Choose from the following themes:
Roman Chichester (KS2)
This interactive session investigates what life in Chichester was like at the time of the Romans. It looks at the importance of the bathhouse, the role of the army and investigates what museum artefacts can tell us about life in Roman times.
Space Explorers (KS1/KS2) 60 minutes session for KS1
Meet the museum's astronaut trainer and discover more about life in space. What was it like for local hero Tim Peake to live and work on the International Space Station? Where do astronauts sleep, where do they get their water from and how do they stay healthy? Learn about some of the equipment they need and what it is like living in microgravity.
The Saxons in Sussex (KS2)
Turn time detective using archaeological drawings from a local Saxon cemetery and artefacts such as jewellery and pottery to piece together the story of life in Sussex during Saxon times. Discover why graves are so important to archaeologists and what they tell us about different members of Saxon society. Pupils can then use this information to recreate a burial, complete with grave goods.
Stone Age to Iron Age (KS2)
By looking at Preshistoric tools and artefacts, learn about how technology and materials have developed over time, and understand how people lived, ate and the clothes they wore. Find out how archaeologists better understand people from the past by looking at our incredible, nationally important Bronze Age and Iron Age burials.
Changing Chichester (KS1/KS2)
By exploring the many uses of the museum site over the last 2,000 years, pupils will learn about the history of Chichester and the people who have lived in the city in the past. By looking at historical maps, artefacts and photographs, pupils will develop a sense of local chronology and discuss how the city and its people have changed.
Toys and Games (EYFS/KS1) 60 minute sessions for EYFS/KS1
A chance for your class to meet the museum's toymakers. Find out about old and new toys. including the materials they are made from, how they are used and how toys have changed over the years. Pupils will try to identify the mystery toy and have the opportunity to design their own toy of the future.
Pirates and Smugglers (EYFS/KS1/KS2) 60 minutes sessions for EYFS/KS1
Find out about smuggling and why people chose this life. What was the appeal and what were the consequences if they were caught? Through hands-on activities discover the story of the infamous Hawkhurst Gang - find out about their crimes, the items they smuggled and the fate of some members of the gang.
Second World War (KS2)
Discover more about how the Second World War affected people and businesses in Chichester. Using real and replica objects learn about evacuees, rationing and air raid wardens, and the significant impact the war would have had on people's lives.
If you can't see the topic you're looking for here, why not give the learning team a call to see if we have any artefacts or loan boxes which might support your teaching on 01243 775888 (Option 4) or email