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St Pancras Roman Cemetery

A burial group from the St Pancras site

The Roman cemetery at St. Pancras was in use from c. 70AD - late 2nd Century AD, although some sporadic burials did occur up until the 4th century AD. Around 320 burials have been excavated from the site, the majority being cremation burials dating from the 1st-late 2nd century AD. The grave goods buried along with the cremations give an impression of what life was like in the Roman period in Chichester, as well as what objects were believed to be useful in the afterlife - cremation urns, pottery vessels, oil lamps, cups, plates, cosmetic sets, jewellery, talismans and unguent flasks.

The St. Pancras material comprises grave goods predominantly of Roman ceramic material, but also includes other materials such as glass, bone (human cremated bone and animal bone), stone and iron, silver and copper alloy jewellery, equipment and sandal studs.

A burial group from the St Pancras site
St Pancras excavations in the 1960s

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